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From the Director’s desk…..

Welcome to the Director's desk , where Director's Rev. Michael & Min. Loretta will select certain topics to discuss with you and to give writings to help inspire and motivate it's readers to a closer walk with Christ. We hope this section is a blessing to you and feel free to email us to let us know how these writings have blessed you.


Why do we study the Bible?

 Why do we study the Bible? Why are you here? The Bible is God’s plan for our life. Everything you need in your life is right here, in the Bible, but you must believe in what it says and have faith in whatever it says. Make no mistake and don’t let anyone deceive you, the Bible was written by God for you and to you. Every word in the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation is true. God is not a man that He should lie…neither the son of man - that He should repent. God is faithful to His word and we must be faithful in believing in His Word. And anyone that tells you that everything in the Bible is not true, is calling God a lie, when they’re actually lying themselves. The Bible has answers for your questions. It has solutions for your problems, your emotions, your hopes, your fears…”The Bible is all about you!” If you can believe!

Our goal is to show you how the Bible fits together, and how, by faith, it applies to your life. Although it consist of 66 Books, written by about 40 different authors over a period of 1500 years, all of the Bible stories and lessons fit together like a jigsaw puzzle, and we’ll help you fit the puzzle pieces together so you can see the big picture. We’ll try to keep it simple, because we realize there are different levels of maturity in the knowledge of the Bible. Its timeless truths are applicable in your relationships with our family, your friends, your enemies and whatever situation that occurs in your life where you need to strengthen your faith. They apply in the classroom and the boardroom, in the backyard or the prison yard. We’ll direct your attention to the way you can apply these Bible principles to your daily life.

The Bible boldly promises hope and peace if by faith, you follow its teachings, and promises hardship and despair if you ignore the truth. If you believe, trust and have faith in the claims of the Bible, then you will want to get serious about reading it. If you are skeptical, and have little faith in the Bible, then you will want to read the Bible to determine for yourself whether its claims are true. Either way, it’s a good idea to read and understand it. It’s good to study the Bible individually and in a group setting. We endeavor to stimulate your thinking about the Bible and discuss the subject of Faith in what the Bible says.

Share with someone else what you have learned and witness to people who don’t know Christ. Millions of people today are searching for a reliable voice of authority to help lead and guide them, something they can have faith in, that doesn’t come in an alcohol bottle or drug. The Word of God is the one, true authority that we have and can believe in. His Word, contains in some extent, the way of God and the way to God. The Word gives us a better understanding of human nature, world problems and human suffering. The Bible is the Word of God; the Word is Jesus and Jesus is the Word – Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life.” (John 14:6) It is the road map to salvation, to redemption in Christ and the love, peace, joy and eternal life that Christ offers. All available to you by faith.

The Bible is so unique because “The Bible is God’s divine revelation of Himself to people. The reason you And millions of other people want to read the Bible is because you believe it is – or might be – God’s message for you, but you must believe. Since the printing press was invented in 1455, more than 6 billion copies of the Bible have been printed in more than 2000 languages that means billions of people in every corner of the world have read at least a portion of the Bible, and have faith in something that was written over 2,000 years ago.

The Bible contains the very words of God. You don’t have to wonder about God, you can know about God because He left you a personal message. In fact, when you read the Bible, God is talking to you. (I Thess 2:13) For this cause also thank we God without ceasing, because, when you received the word of God which you heard of us, you received it not as the word of men, but as it is in truth, the word of God, which effectually works also in you that believe.

The Bible, or “The Book” (the word Bible doesn’t appear in the Bible, it comes from the Latin “biblia”, or meaning “The Book.”) is more than just a collection of books with hard - to – pronounce names, the Bible is God’s personal message to you, some He loves very much, and He’s asking for you to have faith in Him and His Word. The Bible is the Word of God, accurately written down, and copies from ancient days to today, written down for our benefit to study. Written down by Holy men, led and guided by the Holy Spirit to write and in the same instance we’re led and guided by the Holy Spirit to understand its meaning. (2Tim 3:16-17) tells us, “All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.” Here, Paul emphasizes the preeminence of all Scripture. Given by inspiration is literally “God – breathed.” Paul teaches that God was actively involved in the revelation of His truth to the apostles and prophets, who wrote it down. The Author of the Bible is God Himself. Thus Scripture is true in all that it affirms and is completely authoritative, and the study of Scripture will make a believer complete, meaning “capable” or “proficient”. Thoroughly equipped means “fully prepared.” Therefore, the person who masters the Word of God will never lose his or her way, and will be prepared to “contend for the faith” against all of Satan’s devices, in applying God’s Word to your daily life.

Because of this process, you can trust and have faith in the Bible completely. God, who is perfect, used a foolproof means to get His message into print. He “inspired” or “breathed in” what He wanted. Nothing more, nothing less. God’s breath gives life and when God breathed into the human authors, He gave life to His Word. The Bible is infallible or inerrant, which means that it has no errors and is completely true, because God, who is the author, is incapable of error.

Why did we feel the need to explain this to you? As you read your Bible, we want you to know (rather than just feel) that you can have faith in, and trust your Bible completely. You can have confidence that the Bible isn’t something people created out of their imagination. It is the authoritative Word of God. Building a stronger foundation of faith in the Bible, will strengthen your faith in every situation.

Let’s go back to our original question? Why do we study the Bible?

1) You will please God – We should be eager to please God and receive His approval. (2Tim 2:15) Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

2) You will learn how to live and grow as a Christian. (1Peter 2:12) As newborn babes, desire the sincere milk of the word, that you may grow thereby:

3) You will develop spiritual discernment. (Acts 17:11) Now these were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of the mind, examining the Scriptures daily, whether these things were so. Know the bible for yourself! The only way to know if others, including me, are speaking the truth is to know the truth yourself and then have faith in God’s Truth. So in essence we need to do three things.

a) 2Tim 2:15 – Study God’s Word – make an effort to learn it.

b) Psalm 1:2 – Meditate - think deeply about God’s Word.

c) Psalm 119:11 – Memorize – be ready to recall God’s Word.

4) You will be able to answer the questions of others. (Peter 3:15) But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asks you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear:

Studying will give you clear answers to others who ask about your faith. As you study, study to interpret the Bible, or bring out the meaning, investigate, and ask for understanding. (James 1:22) But be you doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves.

Know and understand what you read. Handle the Scriptures correctly, in that, it’s God speaking directly to you. That’s not to say that God doesn’t speak to you indirectly. He can and does – through your circumstances, through wise people, and though your own inner sensitivity to the Holy Spirit. Don’t interpret Scripture to fit your own desires and preconceived ideas; you just might change it from truth to error. When you change the Bible’s objective truth to fit your life rather than changing your life to fit the Bible, you run the risk of “twisting Scripture,” which is when people interpret the Bible to suit their own false beliefs, which is done by the other religions of the world today. Paul touches on this in Gal 1:6-7. Anyone who changes the truth of the Bible, are called cults, who pervert and distort biblical Christianity. Make no mistake, Satan and his demons know the Bible. Some, better than we do. Sometimes we refer to Satan as “the prince of darkness” and he is. But he’s also known as the “angel of light”. Satan and his servants work by sneaking up on you with something that looks like the truth. But it’s all a lie. To develop your spiritual discernment of false teachings, you must spend more time with the Word of Truth. Just like the Bereans of the Bible checked out Paul, you will be able to see if the people you hear or the books you read are “really teaching the truth.” (Acts 17:11)

Studying the Bible on your own is an important and practical way to approach Bible Study. Setting your own pace and read and study at home. What counts to God is your heart. The prayer of King David should be our prayer every time we approach God’s Word from Psalm 51:10 – Create in me a clean heart, O’ God and renew a right spirit within me.

Pray for guidance in your studies, wisdom in your understanding and how to apply it to your life. Study hard, but there will be things that you don’t understand. The Bible is God’s Word, and there are things about God and how he thinks that are a mystery.

God is an infinite being, all-knowing and all-powerful. We are finite mortals, and God’s Word is eternal and true (Isaiah 40:18), and our minds, cannot comprehend or understand all the things of God. Concentrate on the things He’s made plain to us, especially the truths of His Word, which you can have faith in. (Deut 29:29) Be faithful I your studies and He will be faithful to reveal answers to you through the Holy Spirit. (Cor. 2:12-16)

Don’t expect to know everything about God and the Bible. You can’t. God is too vast for you to know everything. Trust and have faith in God that He will show you what you need to know when you need to know it. And in addition to studying on your own, participating in a group Bible study on a regular basis also enhances your study and understanding. In a group, you have the advantage of learning and gaining insights from other people. Plus in group study, you can be an encouragement to others, and there may be times when you need encouragement yourself. Study and show yourself approved; take your studies seriously. Get a good study Bible, with a good concordance, to help you find terms and verses and definitions. Get a good Bible dictionary, handbook or commentary, providing valuable insights on the Bible. Most importantly though is to find a good bible, where the translations retain the original meaning. Don’t get a watered down version that takes away from what the verse means. Word for word translations are the King James Version or New KJV; while the NIV (New International) and NLT (New Living) are thought for thought. Or a Living Bible, which paraphrases the original Bible.

Use a combination, but always start with the original version – the KJV; and have a NKJV for a better understanding and even an amplified Bible to go even further. Invest some money and time and build your reference library. We hope this over view of the Bible and the study of it has been a blessing to you. God Bless.

* Reference material used and recommended:

Knowing the Bible 101 by Bruce Bickel & Stan Jantz

Rev. Michael and Min. Loretta Light

Lights of Glory Ministries Inc.

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