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 About Lights Of Glory Ministries Inc.

As For Me and My House, We Will Serve the Lord. Joshua 24:15

“ Empowering God’s Families to Stand”!

Empowering God’s Families to Stand is a ministry that focuses on the family, and how to deal with the issues facing today’s families. Our ministry will use the Word of God to analyze each problem that is attacking God’s families, and provide clear biblical principles to foster more wholesome, stable and strong families to be able to withstand the trials of Satan. Our goal is to defend the God-ordained institution of the family and restore the foundation of God’s church to a position of excellence in Christ.

Presiding principles

Since Lights of Glory Ministries primary mission is to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ through evangelism and outreach to families and churches, we have built our ministry on the principles built on a firm foundation of Christian faith and the sanctity of the family. This ministry is therefore based upon guiding principles that are composed and derived from Biblical principles that are in essence, the “pillars” of our ministry. We are the Lights of the World and by letting our light shine – we become living epistles of God’s Word. Our ministry, our vision, is to be the light house, or the shining beacon that can save lost souls and restore God’s families while giving God the Glory.

The Sanctity of Marriage and the family

We believe in the sanctity of marriage, and that marriage is in the Will of God, in accordance with Matthew 19:4-6, which states, ”For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh.” So they are no longer two, but one. Therefore what God has joined together, let man not separate. Marriage is a sacred institution, designed by God to model the Love of Christ for His people, and is intended to be a Godly covenant between a man and a woman. Due to satanic forces, the traditional family is under attack like never before and is crumbling under the pressures of trials, sickness, financial crisis and more. It is our ministries endeavor to restore marriage back to God’s original design and to minister the Gospel to families so they will be able to stand in any situation. And in so doing, instilling the principles and values needed to care for God’s children. We, as Christians, will fight and defend our families, our children and the sanctity of human life.

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